How I Got Started On My Self Employment Journey

Angela Cartier
4 min readNov 2, 2021

I lost my most recent job a few years ago. I didn’t get fired or anything dramatic like that, but the company I was working for shut down the specific branch I was a part of and as a result we all got laid off.

It happens, it was a bummer but oh well. 
On to new things.

Initially, I started sending out resumes right away. But a nagging thought kept tugging at my mind.

I didn't want a new job.

See here’s the thing, I hate having a traditional job. I hate working outside of the house, I hate that someone else gets to dictate what each hour of my time is worth, and put a limit on how much I can earn. I hate the daily commute...there’s just a lot of things I strongly dislike about a “regular job.”

But I also like making money. Even more than the things I dislike about a job, I really hate not earning my own money. My fiancé works, and that’s great but I’m not comfortable just living off his income.

I can only speak for my own opinions and my own relationship but I’m not a "his money is my money!" kind of partner. If you are and that works for both of you, Cool. But it’s not for me. Yes, we are a team and we tackle expenses as a team, and if either of us are in a tough spot the other will certainly step in to help…



Angela Cartier

Mom of 3. Writing about motherhood, and my work from home/self employment experimental journey.