Improve Your Writing Productivity: What I’m Using To Fill In Medium’s Current Gaps in Functionality

Angela Cartier
5 min readJul 21, 2022

If you haven’t tried Notion yet, you really should give it a shot.

I was on the fence about it but decided to test it out after reading another writer’s article about how useful it was for a writer, especially on Medium.

He wasn’t kidding.

Notion is packed with tons of cool features that make working as a writer a lot easier. I’ve barely scratched the surface and I’m obsessed.

As someone who has struggled greatly with productivity and focus, I really appreciate how Notion helps me to easily get back on track when I get distracted, as well as the many great options to organize all my ongoing projects.

Below I’ll explain two of the features on Notion that I’m loving right now, that actually help fill in some gaps that I’ve noticed here on Medium.

I’m not interested in bashing Medium. I personally like it here. I think overall, it’s a pretty cool platform. It’s not perfect though, and there…



Angela Cartier

Mom of 3. Writing about motherhood, and my work from home/self employment experimental journey.